What Can You Do If You Get Your Period Without A Pad?

by | Oct 14, 2024

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If your period comes and you don’t have extra tampons or pads, don’t worry — You still have options! Explore 5 options for emergency period protection.

We’ve all experienced that “oh no” moment when we feel our period come and realize we don’t have an extra pad, tampon, or period product with us. If this happens to you — don’t worry. Especially over the first 2 years of your menstrual cycle, periods can come irregularly. So getting surprised every now and then happens. But there are plenty of ways to deal with surprise bleeding without as much mess or stress.

To help, we’ve put together a quick list of all the ways you can deal with a surprise menstrual cycle when you don’t have a pad. We hope this helps!

#1 Ask a friend or trusted adult

The most hygienic options for dealing with period blood are still sanitary pads, tampons, sanitary pads, period underwear, and menstrual cups. So if you feel comfortable, go to a female friend, teacher, or adult you trust and ask if they have any extra you could use. Odds are, they will. And if you feel embarrassed, just remember — almost every woman has gone through this exact same moment. We all know how uncomfortable it can be to ask for extra supplies, so you can trust that people won’t judge you for asking. Most women will get it and be more than happy to help.

#2 Roll up toilet paper

If push comes to shove, a good option is to roll up a couple sheets of toilet paper into a roll and use it as a make-shift pad. The same rules apply here as with pads — you’ll want to change it out at least every 3-4 hours for the sake of menstrual hygiene. Because toilet paper is often thinner than pads, you may actually want to swap it out for fresh toilet paper sooner than that. You may be able to feel it when you bleed through the toilet paper, so just listen to your body’s signals.

*Paper towels can also work in a pinch, but they’re often a less comfortable and absorbent material than toilet paper.

#3 Sock-emergency pad

Socks are also great in an emergency because they’re thicker than toilet paper and absorb the blood better. Just make sure you’re using a clean sock — not the one on your foot right now.  Here’s why: When blood sits for hours – especially when it’s hot and we’re sweating – it makes it easy for bacteria to grow. And while it doesn’t happen all the time, this can lead to infections that are stressful to deal with. A sock that’s been on your foot may have already collected bacteria from the sweat and heat, so it’s a good idea to use a clean sock. Like the toilet paper solution, you’ll want to change out the sock for a fresh one at least every 3-4 hours, if not sooner.

#4 Washcloth or rag-pad

If you can find a mini towel, washcloth, or rag, that can also be used as a pad in an emergency. Again, just make sure it’s clean and that you change it every 3-4 hours, if not sooner.

#5 Tie a hoodie around your waist

So you’ve stopped the bleeding with a makeshift pad. But not before you are bled through your underwear or pants. If you don’t have an extra clean pair of underwear and/or pants, your best move is to tie a jacket around your waist with the sleeves in the front and the part that covers your torso in the back. That way it covers the back of your pants. Don’t have an extra sweatshirt? Ask a friend if you can borrow one of theirs. 

Skip the stress by planning ahead

Of course, we need to start with the best option: preparing for your period. It’s always wise to have a few extra sanitary pads or tampons tucked away in your backpack, locker, or bag. The perfect option: Pinkie’s grab-and-go prep pouch! It comes with 4 of Pinkie’s organic, toxin-free, ultra-absorbent pads in 3 different sizes, all tucked away in a super chic pouch to carry wherever you go! 

You could also keep an extra pair of period underwear or a menstrual cup in your bag or locker. As soon as you see your stockpile getting down to just 2 or 3 extra items, consider restocking to make sure you don’t run out. 

Worried about people seeing your pads? First off, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Periods are a sign of health! But we get that periods are personal, and it’s no one’s business other than your own. Pinkie’s Pads makes it easy to keep your period on the down low with chic blue and white striped, label-free bags that are cute to carry, perfect for passing to friends, and easy for clean disposal.